Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mac OSX Tiger vs. Windows Vista

Ok, so mac osx is supposed to be cool...... what about Windows Vista people??? That thing is gonna be amazing! See through windows, sidebar, nice graphical imaging! it doesnt get much better than this!!!! Especially like the from Microsoft!!! Windows live, search live and desktop live are cool! Cant wait to see this stuff!!!

P.S. If you want to see an accurate simulation of windows vista than either download the beta: (this is a tutorial, (real thing)
or get windows blinds just to see how it looks; you need both below.
Windows Blinds:
Vista Look:


Anonymous said...

Mac is beter man, mac is better!!!!
Nothing beats Steve Jobs!

Laser said...

Correction, nothing beats bill gates!

Matt said...

correction, nothing beats steve jobs

Matt said...

correction, nothing beats steve jobs

Laser said...

i have changed my mind a little.... vista sucks! lol....its too buggy right now.... so mac is better... but when vista sp1 comes out later in 07, vista will be da bomb