Thursday, April 12, 2007

Play the Game with no CD

Hey everyone, finally i have accomplished the impossible! I can now play halo combat evolved on my computer, w/o a cd! Here is how i did it:
Step 1:
Download a copy of daemon tools at this address:
Step 2:
Install daemon tools (uncheck second check box while installing)
Step 3:
get an image of your game, for halo, post on my site that you want the file and we'll discuss a method of getting it to you (dont worry, its free of charge and spyware)
Step 4:
install halo (you will need a valid product key*)
step 6:
run daemon tools, and right click the taskbar icon and go to emulation>turn all options on
step 7: right click again, and go to the virtual menu, then mount a file. the file that you are mounting is the halo image that you downloaded in step 3.

enjoy running halo with no cd

*There are ways to play halo without actually buying halo and getting a product key. I will not list these methods because i do not endorse them because they are not legal. It is only 20 dollars, and the game is worth it!

Edit: Replace step 3 with this:
Go to


Anonymous said...

so how do i get the file? email or aim

Anonymous said...

Please tell me how to get this flie also. Email me at: Thanks!

Anonymous said...

How do I obtain this Halo image file. Please e-mail me at: .

Anonymous said...

can i have a file too, if the creator for this post still send files plz send me,, my little bro scratched my discs so now i can't play anymore.plz i would appreciate it

Laser said...

for all who still want the halo file, please see my other post about where to get it instead of asking for it here.
thank you.

*note* any further posts here will be removed by the administrator