Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Use iPod/iPhone as a Wifi Adapter

*This is just a tutorial to make things clearer, all credit goes to the owner and creator,*

"iPhone Tunnel Suite" is an amazing piece of software.
I highly recommend it.

Let's get started:

*Make sure you have OpenSSH already installed and running on your jailbroken device*

1) Install iPhone Tunnel Suite and run the software

2) Click the "iPhone Tunnel" button

3) Log into your device using your OpenSSH username and password

4a) Now, in the program you're using to access the internet (Firefox, IE (bleh), and even bitorrent clients (works fine in my Azureus)) set up the proxy to use "" as the SOCKS Proxy (version 5) and "1080" as the port.

4b) If you're in Firefox, type in "about:config" into the address bar, paste "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" into the "Filter" box, and doubleclick on the entry in order to set it to "true" (if it is already set to true, you do not nee to do anything)

7) Enjoy your internet connection, tunneled through your iPod/iPhone!

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