CMW has just released the 2.5 beta of Winpwn. It is actually the full version, so download away! He says it is a beta because it is his way of giving a word of caution and to make sure you "use it at your own risk"
Check out the site here
and here are some download links and a torrent file.
DL Links (credit to atomicmufin from ipodtouchfans:
Torrent File:
Winpwn 2.5.torrent
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
ZiPhone shown to cause harm to iPhone and iPod Touch
The iphone dev team has just linked to a blog that has a post that is basically a rant against zibri. Compare it to Zibri's "facts" and then read the other post and then see who you believe.
Link to the iphone dev teams friend is here
Basically, ZiPhone uploads data to the iphone's Memory in a place where it shouldn't and clogs it up. This causes errors in the memory and then question becomes "When is my iphone going to crash?" instead of "Will my iphone crash?".
Link to the iphone dev teams friend is here
Basically, ZiPhone uploads data to the iphone's Memory in a place where it shouldn't and clogs it up. This causes errors in the memory and then question becomes "When is my iphone going to crash?" instead of "Will my iphone crash?".
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How to remove IE8 beta 1 and upgrade to IE8 Beta 2
If you are on vista, go here
On XP? Then go here
Basically, the short version is:
On vista, you will need to uninstall it through your installed updates inside of programs and features.
On XP, just run the SPUNINST.EXE file inside of C:\WINDOWS\IE8\SPUNINST
On XP? Then go here
Basically, the short version is:
On vista, you will need to uninstall it through your installed updates inside of programs and features.
On XP, just run the SPUNINST.EXE file inside of C:\WINDOWS\IE8\SPUNINST
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 available for download
Quote: Betacentral
I have just downloaded and installed IE8 and here are my results and my review:
Here are some screenshots of IE8 in action:
Full Page:
Compatibility View: 
Suggested Sites:

Content page in IE Options

Privacy Page in IE Options

The toolbar:

Safety Dropdown on toolbar

Tools Dropdown on toolbar:
According to AeroXperience, Internet Explorer Beta 2 has just been released internally, it is available publicly, but it is not on the IE8Blog or on Microsoft's IE8 Beta page (beta 1 is still there).
If you have windows vista or windows server 2008 then please follow this link to download it:
if you have any other version then please visit:
I have just downloaded and installed IE8 and here are my results and my review:
Here are some screenshots of IE8 in action:
Full Page:

Suggested Sites:

Content page in IE Options

Privacy Page in IE Options

The toolbar:

Safety Dropdown on toolbar

Tools Dropdown on toolbar:

Monday, August 25, 2008
New iPod Models to come out before Christmas
According to many sources new iPod models will be comming out before Christmas this year. So far we know of a new iPod Nano, and a new iPod Touch. All iPods will see a price drop to due to the new low price of the iPhone, and the iPod Touch will receive a new design and a $100 price drop. Hopefully new features will be added into this model of the iPod Touch, and I have drawn some concept art to illustrate what I hope will be included.

The things I think are most important are Bluetooth and voice chat... all we can do is hope.
More things that have been confirmed so far are:
1) The iPod Touch Gen 2 (When released) will ship with the 2.1 software pre-installed.
2) The new iPod Nano will have a much larger screen ratio then it has had before
I will add things as apple confirms them
I can't wait, if the new iPod Touch has more features then Ill easily hand over $200 for it.

The things I think are most important are Bluetooth and voice chat... all we can do is hope.
More things that have been confirmed so far are:
1) The iPod Touch Gen 2 (When released) will ship with the 2.1 software pre-installed.
2) The new iPod Nano will have a much larger screen ratio then it has had before
I will add things as apple confirms them
I can't wait, if the new iPod Touch has more features then Ill easily hand over $200 for it.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Need help from readers...
If anyone knows how to make pictures display correctly on my blog, please let me know... I have to leave and dont have time to figure it out... maybe Ill even let you post on here with me!
Until then, I cant finish posting my results with Quickpwn..... Thanks!
Until then, I cant finish posting my results with Quickpwn..... Thanks!
QuickPwn Tool for Windows
As posted earlier on the iphone dev team blog, QuickPwn has just been released! Basically, it works like ZiPhone used to work, but has a GUI like the Mac Pwnage Tool. It will actually hack into your device and Jailbreak it without Restoring the firmware!
Currently it only works on 2.0.1, but I decided to give it a try on 2.0.2
I'll update this post as I work on it!
Phase 1:
Run the QuickPwn GUI.
On first glance, the App looks a lot like Pwnage Tool and Winpwn 2.5:

Since I have an iPod Touch, Ill go ahead and click accordingly...

and upon clicking browse on the next screen (after clicking the blue arrow in the bottom corner) I saw a file locator and navigated to the location you see in the picture:
Currently it only works on 2.0.1, but I decided to give it a try on 2.0.2
I'll update this post as I work on it!
Phase 1:
Run the QuickPwn GUI.
On first glance, the App looks a lot like Pwnage Tool and Winpwn 2.5:

Since I have an iPod Touch, Ill go ahead and click accordingly...

and upon clicking browse on the next screen (after clicking the blue arrow in the bottom corner) I saw a file locator and navigated to the location you see in the picture:

Disable iTunes Automatic Backup
Have you ever wondered whether that annoying iTunes backup could be disabled so that you wouldnt have to wait 30 minutes every time you plug in your iPhone or iTouch?
Well, thanks to ipodgamez from, now you can disable the backup!

Download it here from
Well, thanks to ipodgamez from, now you can disable the backup!

Download it here from
Saturday, August 16, 2008
iPhone/iPod Touch Copy and Paste
The video explains all.
Hopefully apple watches and goes through with it.
Candidate User Interface for Copy & Paste on the iPhone from Proximi on Vimeo.
Hopefully apple watches and goes through with it.
Candidate User Interface for Copy & Paste on the iPhone from Proximi on Vimeo.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wait, is that a native 5 icon dock?!

Thats right, it is native and doesnt mess up the icon appearence when you dont have 5.
If you want to know how to do this then make yourself heard in the comments!
Edit: I got someone who asked how I did this (in the comments) and hoped that it wasn't kate... sadly it was kate that I was using, so I decided to go searching for another way to get a 5 icon dock without the need for a buggy program like Kate... Well, I found it!
Saurik (the creator of Cydia) has just released a "5 icon dock" application under the Telesphoreo source

and it works extremely well... all it does is enable the 5th icon, and nothing else. If you suddenly change your mind and dont want the 5th icon then all you have to do is take it off the dock and now you have 4.
I took some pictures as I was installing the 5 icon dock, view them below:

MobileFinder on Appstore!
MobileFinder (The awesome iPhone version of the mac finder application) that was first released on has now been released on the Appstore. It works even better than the original finder, and can run text files, pdf's, Microsoft Office Documents, iWork Documents, and more. The only limitation it has, and I'm certain was only put in place so it could get on the Appstore is that the only directory you can view is /private/var/mobile/Applications/(MobileFinder)/
If you are jailbroken then you can remove this limitation! All we need to do is add a Symlink into the folder!
When you are finished you will see a shiny new "Root" Folder in MobileFinder that you can use to navigate to /
Observe the Shinyness:


Things you will need:
A Jailbroken 2.0 or 2.0.1 iPod Touch or iPhone.
MobileFinder ($2.00, but completely worth it... trust me... I'm quite froogle)
WinSCP (Current Version)
Step 1:
Open up WinSCP and login as you would normally. If you don't know how then check out this tutorial on youtube
Step 2:
Navigate to MobileFinder's Application folder (it will be inside /private/var/mobile/applications) and then open the Documents directory.
Step 3:
Create a new link (right click > new > link)
In the first line put Home, and in Line 2 type "/" (with no ")
Now you have modded MobileFinder to work anywhere! Congratulations!
Optional Step:
If you want to make a fast and easy link to access your iPod directly from windows (without winscp) then do this:
1) Tap the transfer icon in the bottom right
2) Click Start when you see this:

3) Now right click on your desktop and go to New>Shortcut
4) Type in: explorer.exe (replace the 0's with the correct number highlighted in green on your iPods Screen. It will most likely be something like
Now you will have a desktop icon to access your iPod with through XP or vista's built in explorer.
If you are jailbroken then you can remove this limitation! All we need to do is add a Symlink into the folder!
When you are finished you will see a shiny new "Root" Folder in MobileFinder that you can use to navigate to /
Observe the Shinyness:


Things you will need:
A Jailbroken 2.0 or 2.0.1 iPod Touch or iPhone.
MobileFinder ($2.00, but completely worth it... trust me... I'm quite froogle)
WinSCP (Current Version)
Step 1:
Open up WinSCP and login as you would normally. If you don't know how then check out this tutorial on youtube
Step 2:
Navigate to MobileFinder's Application folder (it will be inside /private/var/mobile/applications) and then open the Documents directory.
Step 3:
Create a new link (right click > new > link)
In the first line put Home, and in Line 2 type "/" (with no ")
Now you have modded MobileFinder to work anywhere! Congratulations!
Optional Step:
If you want to make a fast and easy link to access your iPod directly from windows (without winscp) then do this:
1) Tap the transfer icon in the bottom right
2) Click Start when you see this:

3) Now right click on your desktop and go to New>Shortcut
4) Type in: explorer.exe (replace the 0's with the correct number highlighted in green on your iPods Screen. It will most likely be something like
Now you will have a desktop icon to access your iPod with through XP or vista's built in explorer.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
iPod Touch: so what now?
Ok, so you just got Winpwn, you pwned your iPod with the new firmware, and you have installer and everything. Now you might be wondering... what is so great about this? What can I do with it now?
Well, I'm just about to show you!
To begin, you all should have this image as your homescreen:

The first thing I do is I configure my Wi-fi.
To do this, open up settings>Wi-Fi>(My SSID) and then type in your password if needed.
Now you should be on Wifi.
What I like to do now is install the basic needs of any Jailbroken device. Let's open up Cydia. When you first open Cydia you will most likely get an Essential upgrade message like this:

Go ahead and click Upgrade, and then confirm (top-right).
When everything is done upgrading, click return to Cydia. Now click on the Changes tab on the bottom. Almost everyone should find a few changes available. Just click upgrade all, and then confirm.
Now we can actually install what we want to install! :D
Click Close Window and then move to the Install tab. In Utilities install Customize, Bossprefs, and Transformer.
In Terminal Support install MobileTerminal.
In Networking install openSSH.
Now press The Home button.
You should see all of your new apps there right? Just kidding... you shouldn't see any change yet. You need to respring. Sadly, since we cant use Bossprefs yet.. we have to perform a full scale system reboot. Go ahead and do that.
When you return from your only short reboot ever (the more apps you have the longer a reboot takes) please open Settings>General>AutoLock. Set that to 5 or Never. You will need one of those unless you have insomnia installed.
Now return to Home. You should see all your new applications there. I have a certain order I like, so I'll go ahead and set that up now.
For those who are curious, I like it like this:

Cool right? :D But now some of you caught something... I have an iPod app instead of a Music and video icon. To do this, open up Transformer (it's on page 2) and click: combine media apps. Then Respring.
Cool! Now we have a nice Jailbroken iPod with some cool apps on it. Are we done? Not even close!
Now go ahead and set up your mail, get all your basic apps functioning as they should, and Ill update you further in a few minutes.
Ok, welcome back... now lets set up bossprefs.
Open it up and click Understood (read it first, its there for a reason).
Now turn on Wi-Fi, and SSH and keep Bluetooth and Edge off. Click Config and turn off Edge, New Edge Toggle, 3G, and Bluetooth.
Now Open up your favorite SSH Program (like WinSCP) and lets do some modding. Don't worry, it will be easy for those of you who are Technologically challenged. Normally I'd say, lets go in and add features to the Preferences app... but I think that could be too difficult for some of you, so I wont go there. If you want me to post that anyway, let me know and Ill make another post about it later. It may be tricky using winSCP with your iPod the first time, but if you mess around with it enough it'll work.
Now what we are going to do is we are going to modify the iPod to accept Custom/Cracked applications. To do that please follow the guide located here
Now guess what? You're done! Just sync your iPod to your PC and thats it, you'll have the cracked apps, and a nicely setup iPod Touch.
Enjoy! :D
Well, I'm just about to show you!
To begin, you all should have this image as your homescreen:

The first thing I do is I configure my Wi-fi.
To do this, open up settings>Wi-Fi>(My SSID) and then type in your password if needed.
Now you should be on Wifi.
What I like to do now is install the basic needs of any Jailbroken device. Let's open up Cydia. When you first open Cydia you will most likely get an Essential upgrade message like this:

Go ahead and click Upgrade, and then confirm (top-right).
When everything is done upgrading, click return to Cydia. Now click on the Changes tab on the bottom. Almost everyone should find a few changes available. Just click upgrade all, and then confirm.
Now we can actually install what we want to install! :D
Click Close Window and then move to the Install tab. In Utilities install Customize, Bossprefs, and Transformer.
In Terminal Support install MobileTerminal.
In Networking install openSSH.
Now press The Home button.
You should see all of your new apps there right? Just kidding... you shouldn't see any change yet. You need to respring. Sadly, since we cant use Bossprefs yet.. we have to perform a full scale system reboot. Go ahead and do that.
When you return from your only short reboot ever (the more apps you have the longer a reboot takes) please open Settings>General>AutoLock. Set that to 5 or Never. You will need one of those unless you have insomnia installed.
Now return to Home. You should see all your new applications there. I have a certain order I like, so I'll go ahead and set that up now.
For those who are curious, I like it like this:

Cool right? :D But now some of you caught something... I have an iPod app instead of a Music and video icon. To do this, open up Transformer (it's on page 2) and click: combine media apps. Then Respring.
Cool! Now we have a nice Jailbroken iPod with some cool apps on it. Are we done? Not even close!
Now go ahead and set up your mail, get all your basic apps functioning as they should, and Ill update you further in a few minutes.
Ok, welcome back... now lets set up bossprefs.
Open it up and click Understood (read it first, its there for a reason).
Now turn on Wi-Fi, and SSH and keep Bluetooth and Edge off. Click Config and turn off Edge, New Edge Toggle, 3G, and Bluetooth.
Now Open up your favorite SSH Program (like WinSCP) and lets do some modding. Don't worry, it will be easy for those of you who are Technologically challenged. Normally I'd say, lets go in and add features to the Preferences app... but I think that could be too difficult for some of you, so I wont go there. If you want me to post that anyway, let me know and Ill make another post about it later. It may be tricky using winSCP with your iPod the first time, but if you mess around with it enough it'll work.
Now what we are going to do is we are going to modify the iPod to accept Custom/Cracked applications. To do that please follow the guide located here
Now guess what? You're done! Just sync your iPod to your PC and thats it, you'll have the cracked apps, and a nicely setup iPod Touch.
Enjoy! :D
Winpwn Released!
Just yesterday CMW released version of the Windows version of pwnage tool, otherwise known as Winpwn. It now can pwn the new 2.0.1 firmware for the iPod Touch and iPhone. For instructions on how to pwn, please go to the Winpwn main site and use one of the tutorial links there.
Features of the 2.0.1 firware are: bugfixes
Features of the new winpwn are: - Root partition resize support, Installer support, xp and vista support (64 bit included), and support for 2.0.1.
For those of you who don't know what the root partition resizing means... I'll try and simplify it for you. Basically, you can adjust the amount of space that is given to applications.
Features of the 2.0.1 firware are: bugfixes
Features of the new winpwn are: - Root partition resize support, Installer support, xp and vista support (64 bit included), and support for 2.0.1.
For those of you who don't know what the root partition resizing means... I'll try and simplify it for you. Basically, you can adjust the amount of space that is given to applications.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Install Custom .ipa files onto your iPod Touch/iPhone
Custom (Cracked) Games and Apps [IPA version]
This how to add the custom ipa games and apps to your iPhone/iPod Touch
How to guide:
1. You need to be on jailbroken 2.0 with Cydia installed. (If on a Mac use PwnageTool and if on Windows use WinPwn)
2. Now install OpenSSH. Click on Cydia and then click Install(Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”) Then click close window. Now click on the home button.
3. Now log into WinSCP (if you dont know how watch this) The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry and it should work. If you still get an error reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.
4. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777
5. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777. This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game.
6. Now go to “/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework”
7. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”
8. Download this patched file - HERE
9. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file
10. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch- IMPORTANT!
———Note: You will only need to do the above steps once———
11. Download cracked Games and Apps from Update: below scroll down :)
12. Download at least one App from the App Store (Free or Paid) IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]
13. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded
14. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
The application “XXXXXXX” cannot be opened
Fix: Reboot your iPhone or iPod
0xE800001 Error:
FIX: Change usb port and reboot your iphone/ipod Touch.
If this doesn’t work try going into: Control panel->System->Device Manager->Universal Serie Bus Controller->Right click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and update driver.
Editors Note: I also recieved this error when I tried copying both the .app and the .ipa to my iPod. You can only have ONE! (I recommend the .ipa because it will remain on when you format, .apps must be installed again.)
0xE800013 Error:
You get this error when you already have the app
FIX: Simply delete the .app folder that u have ssh’d and reboot.
(EDIT: I CANNOT AND WILL NOT POST THE GAMES/APPS HERE, IT IS ILLEGAL, AND IS NOT CONDONED BY THIS SITE. I will however, mention that a quick search for ipa on your favorite torrent site would suffice.) I would also like to mention, that if you have issues with this... or need help, please email me at
Tutorial First posted by (
Edited a little for this blog.
This how to add the custom ipa games and apps to your iPhone/iPod Touch
How to guide:
1. You need to be on jailbroken 2.0 with Cydia installed. (If on a Mac use PwnageTool and if on Windows use WinPwn)
2. Now install OpenSSH. Click on Cydia and then click Install(Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”) Then click close window. Now click on the home button.
3. Now log into WinSCP (if you dont know how watch this) The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry and it should work. If you still get an error reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.
4. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777
5. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777. This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game.
6. Now go to
7. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”
8. Download this patched file - HERE
9. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file
10. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch- IMPORTANT!
———Note: You will only need to do the above steps once———
11. Download cracked Games and Apps from Update: below scroll down :)
12. Download at least one App from the App Store (Free or Paid) IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]
13. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded
14. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
The application “XXXXXXX” cannot be opened
Fix: Reboot your iPhone or iPod
0xE800001 Error:
FIX: Change usb port and reboot your iphone/ipod Touch.
If this doesn’t work try going into: Control panel->System->Device Manager->Universal Serie Bus Controller->Right click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and update driver.
Editors Note: I also recieved this error when I tried copying both the .app and the .ipa to my iPod. You can only have ONE! (I recommend the .ipa because it will remain on when you format, .apps must be installed again.)
0xE800013 Error:
You get this error when you already have the app
FIX: Simply delete the .app folder that u have ssh’d and reboot.
(EDIT: I CANNOT AND WILL NOT POST THE GAMES/APPS HERE, IT IS ILLEGAL, AND IS NOT CONDONED BY THIS SITE. I will however, mention that a quick search for ipa on your favorite torrent site would suffice.) I would also like to mention, that if you have issues with this... or need help, please email me at
Tutorial First posted by (
Edited a little for this blog.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Windows Mojave Experiment
Recently Microsoft set out to prove that Windows Vista really isn't as bad as people think it is, and actually prove that it is great, and easy to use.
What they did was they asked 140 people about Windows Vista and how they would rate it. Most people gave it a 0/10. Then they gave Windows "Mojave" to the 140 people and told them it was the next new Windows, then gave each of them a 10 minute demo that successfully convinced them to switch to their current OS to Mojave. Almost all of the people rated Windows Mojave a 10/10.
Then the representatives from Microsoft told the people that Windows mojave actually was Windows Vista.
Well.... I guess vista isn't so bad after all.... :D
See for yourself at
Here's a vid:
What they did was they asked 140 people about Windows Vista and how they would rate it. Most people gave it a 0/10. Then they gave Windows "Mojave" to the 140 people and told them it was the next new Windows, then gave each of them a 10 minute demo that successfully convinced them to switch to their current OS to Mojave. Almost all of the people rated Windows Mojave a 10/10.
Then the representatives from Microsoft told the people that Windows mojave actually was Windows Vista.
Well.... I guess vista isn't so bad after all.... :D
See for yourself at
Here's a vid:
Mediafire gets greedy
I have been an avid mediafire fan since December of '07 and they have remained free and easy to use the whole time, but I guess everyone gets greedy...
I remember when rapidshare was free, megaupload was free, and more.
Then I found mediafire and fell in love with it because it had more features than rapidshare and megaupload... and it was free.
Now that all has changed. Mediafire has gotten greedy and has blocked access to features it used to provide for free such as SSL, Direct DL links, and no ads.
Now you must pay about 70 dollars a year for that.
I guess they feel that it would be worth it for the free users because they get a new GUI for uploading stuff... I only have one thing to say to that; I need a new host for my files.
I remember when rapidshare was free, megaupload was free, and more.
Then I found mediafire and fell in love with it because it had more features than rapidshare and megaupload... and it was free.
Now that all has changed. Mediafire has gotten greedy and has blocked access to features it used to provide for free such as SSL, Direct DL links, and no ads.
Now you must pay about 70 dollars a year for that.
I guess they feel that it would be worth it for the free users because they get a new GUI for uploading stuff... I only have one thing to say to that; I need a new host for my files.
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