This how to add the custom ipa games and apps to your iPhone/iPod Touch
How to guide:
1. You need to be on jailbroken 2.0 with Cydia installed. (If on a Mac use PwnageTool and if on Windows use WinPwn)
2. Now install OpenSSH. Click on Cydia and then click Install(Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”) Then click close window. Now click on the home button.
3. Now log into WinSCP (if you dont know how watch this) The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry and it should work. If you still get an error reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.
4. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777
5. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777. This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game.
6. Now go to
7. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”
8. Download this patched file - HERE
9. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file
10. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch- IMPORTANT!
———Note: You will only need to do the above steps once———
11. Download cracked Games and Apps from Update: below scroll down :)
12. Download at least one App from the App Store (Free or Paid) IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]
13. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded
14. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
The application “XXXXXXX” cannot be opened
Fix: Reboot your iPhone or iPod
0xE800001 Error:
FIX: Change usb port and reboot your iphone/ipod Touch.
If this doesn’t work try going into: Control panel->System->Device Manager->Universal Serie Bus Controller->Right click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and update driver.
Editors Note: I also recieved this error when I tried copying both the .app and the .ipa to my iPod. You can only have ONE! (I recommend the .ipa because it will remain on when you format, .apps must be installed again.)
0xE800013 Error:
You get this error when you already have the app
FIX: Simply delete the .app folder that u have ssh’d and reboot.
(EDIT: I CANNOT AND WILL NOT POST THE GAMES/APPS HERE, IT IS ILLEGAL, AND IS NOT CONDONED BY THIS SITE. I will however, mention that a quick search for ipa on your favorite torrent site would suffice.) I would also like to mention, that if you have issues with this... or need help, please email me at
Tutorial First posted by (
Edited a little for this blog.
Hey, I believe when I do this there is no initial MobileInstallation filein my MobileInstallation.framework folder... All I did since there was none was download the patched one you provided and then rebooted and moved on... Ill let u know whether or not it works... DO I have to install it through iTunes?
Hugoscape, sorry bro, but this tutorial is pretty outdated. It may not work anymore. I dont believe you have to install anything through itunes, there are plenty of packages on cydia that can help you in this department though.
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